26 jul 2015

The next image shows the information given in class. All the kids need to have it on their notebooks to study.


Play and learn about workers in our community. Access the links below to practice:

- To practice vocabulary :  Vocabulary Words

- Game:  Matching Game

The next Copy 1, it´s for practice and in case that your kids didn't attend to school.


New lesson: 

For these 2 weeks we will be working on the subject:


Let´s sing and practice: 

Biblical Principle

This is the Biblical Principle directly related with our Lesson. 

Comment: do everything for the glory of God. It´s necessary to know the importance of work and making things with love because when we are not doing it with love they don´t mean anything. We need to understand that everything that we do, is to thank and make our Lord Happy and proud of us.

Social Studies